Monday, May 16, 2011

Stand Up

Bridget braved the nasty cold and rainy weather with me yesterday for a run to Goodwill and a trip to the city to check out a paper store that was not nearly as exciting as I was hoping it would be. We found a couple more $1 vases at Goodwill for the centerpiece collection, but I'm sort of at a point that I think I need to start venturing out to other places or I won't end up with the "collected" and varied look that I'm going for. An excuse to go to more thrift stores is not a problem, so hopefully I can check out a couple others next weekend. And, with the Farmer's Market opening this coming weekend as well, I'm hoping that means nicer weather is coming and I'll start seeing more garage sales in the neighborhood and can find all kinds of vases for next to nothing!

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to display 200 cupcakes at the reception, and officially decided against trying to find or build one huge tower of some sort to hold them all. Instead, I'm envisioning a tablescape full of painted DIY cake stands... which I started collecting materials for at Goodwill already over the weekend. My gramma will likely panic a bit when and if she finds out I've added yet another project to my ever-growing list, but this one isn't necessarily new as I'd talked about it before, and it would be replacing the project of getting Dan to build a giant tower... so I think it's ok :).

Here's a picture I found somewhere out on the web that's hopefully a good indication of what my pieces will look like...

I'm traveling for work this week and excited that will provide some much needed time to sit down with my laptop and work on our invitations. Bridget did some brainstorming with me yesterday and I have a couple new ideas for them, so I'm hoping the inspiration will start pouring out on screen and I'll have a solid design going in no time. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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