Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Feet

Dan and I had a pretty typical Friday night to kick off our weekend - I got home from work, we picked up Manda, and we spent the evening just the 3 of us and Louie Louie. I absolutely love witnessing the relationship that Dan and Manda have grown to have over the last several years - they truly do act like brother and sister already, and it couldn't make me happier.

I insisted on starting off our evening with a trip to Target, which was thankfully successful and left me with these for all the guys! -

Argyle socks in gray and turquoise? Perfect! (Manda is a great model, huh?) :)

The rest of the weekend was full with a family party Saturday and Mother's Day yesterday, but since we were in Bolingbrook already after lunch we took my mom, Manda and Mr. Lawler to see the hotel we have our wedding block at! We ended up sitting at the bar for quite awhile chatting with the bartender who swears he will be there the night of our wedding to ensure we have the best after party possible. We got a TON of details from him about all the fun things the hotel offers, and found out that there are 4 other weddings with blocks there the same day that we'll likely be partying with late into the night. Saying that I'm insanely excited would be an understatement.

I also made a weak first attempt at paper flowers on Saturday night, and it was a total disaster. But, I've watched some tutorials online and done some further reading on tips and tricks, and I'm ready to give it another shot and get those going this week. Wish me luck!

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