Thursday, April 7, 2011


During a particularly late night at work yesterday, a coworker and I were chatting about her brother's upcoming wedding and she mentioned in conversation that he just happens to be good friends with Max Wagner - one of the many insanely talented photographers I follow on a regular basis. Somehow, I managed to miss the post on Max's OWN wedding last summer, but we quickly found it and spent the next few minutes drooling over the perfect details and saying a lot of "of course his wife is gorgeous" (and let's be honest here, Max isn't so bad on the eyes either).

Since it's from his own wedding it's clearly not Max's work, but I jumped back online this morning to swipe the below photo as it is one of those ones I want to print out and tape to my computer at home as a reminder that no matter how panicked I may get about the details of our wedding, it's going to be perfect in every way simply because regardless of what happens, I will be married to my soulmate at the end of the day.

The unconditional love between these two is so apparent in this image that it evokes a feeling of comfort even for someone that doesn't know them. I'm also completely hooked on the bride's hairpiece and chunky bracelet, and I've been straining my eyes on the photos trying to figure out what Max's teeny boutonniere is made of.

From Max's post I gathered that his photography was done by The Flashdance. I'm not certain of that, but I'm linking to them anyways just to be safe :).

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