Thursday, June 23, 2011


I'm not usually one to use the phrase "OMG!" in any context, but today I did in an email to my mom, along with lots of caps locked letters and extra exclamation points. Why? Because I found this -

That's right friends. An entire multi-flowered centerpiece made out of tissue paper. JUST LIKE MY TISSUE PAPER CARNATIONS! (Don't mind the caps lock. I told you I was excited.)

What's even better is that this lovely little blogger was kind enough to post detailed and photographed tutorials for all 5 flower variations.

(The fifth flower is the carnations I already made, so I didn't bother grabbing the tutorial)

So, as I noted above, I immediately emailed my mom, and if all goes as planned we'll be trying our hand at a few of these this weekend! Considering I was starting to think that I was going to have all-carnation centerpieces (and was not thrilled about that), I'm excited to add in some variation in the form of other flowers. 

In other news, things have begun to be purchased off of our registry!!! It's a little odd to be able to go online and see exactly what we're receiving, but considering we picked it all out ourselves I guess we already knew anyways. And, based on the full on spaz attack I had when I saw "fulfilled" next to the food processor I registered for, apparently already knowing what I'm getting isn't stopping me from being giddy excited over it all. :)

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