Friday, March 11, 2011

"What font is that?"

I am what you can call... slightly obsessive about typography. I've been known to google the word when I'm bored to see what comes up, and tend to get absolutely engulfed in everything from magazines with clean, simple type to wordy images with fantastically overboard fonts. When I first got into design, one of my brother's favorite things to do would be to grab someone and say "Watch this!", and then point to something and ask "Kel, what font is that?" - - 9 times out of 10, I could answer, and then he would proceed to half laugh at me for being so nerdy and half be proud of me for it.

As I try to turn all of my visions and dreams for our wedding into reality, I've quickly learned that choosing a font for everything is potentially even more important than a set color scheme for someone with a design-oriented mind like my own. I love the idea of using type to portray a feel for the day - a script font will provoke feelings of a traditional, formal setting (not our wedding), whereas something sans-serif (without "tails" on the letters, like the text you're reading here right now) or "bubbly" can give a sense of a more casual, laid-back affair (bingo!)

Not surprisingly, I've spent quite a bit of time browsing through some of my favorite blogs for typography inspiration. A few that stuck out today from Oh So Beautiful Paper are below.

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