Thursday, March 17, 2011

Story Time

It took a little stressing out (ok, a lot), a few redesigns and a lot of friends encouraging me... but I designed our save the dates, and I'll admit that I am absolutely in LOVE with the final product!

Since we haven't done our engagement pictures yet and I didn't want to incorporate any graphic elements, I was really set on simply working with text in complimentary fonts. I decided early on that it could be fun to do a little "outline" of our relationship, and once I started putting it together - and Dan pitched in a couple lines - it worked!

Dan's friend Kelley printed them for us, which was great because she was super helpful and understanding of my paranoia about the final product being absolutely perfect. You know, because those are the kinds of things that keep me up at night. (Unfortunately, I'm not kidding). We ended up having to order specialty envelopes because of the size, but found some online in the perfect color - and the slight oversize made for a "major statement in the mail!" in Dan's words.

I still need to learn to use the manual settings on my camera, but the auto-mode still made for some fun shots!

We printed the return address labels at home with the same fonts I used on the cards, and I liked that the circle shape played off the circles in the design -

I got the popular King & Queen of Hearts stamps that I've loved for ages, and was thrilled to see the accent of blue in them that went perfectly with the envelopes -

Click on the image below for a zoom if you're interested in reading our little story! :)


  1. I have to admit the envelope was the first thing that I noticed in the stack of mail! They look great Kel.

  2. Kelly I love these! Do you mind if I feature them on AAB?

  3. Umm... I would be super flattered if you did, Brooke!
