Monday, July 25, 2011


Well friends, I think this is the longest I've ever let this blog sit idle, and in the spirit of honesty I have to admit that it was simply because I just wasn't feeling it last week. "It" being wedding stuff in general, which as everyone close to me knows is really out of the ordinary. Part of this was because my cousin who I am extremely close to had open heart surgery on Thursday, and while he got through it with "surgery straight-A's" it definitely took a bit of an emotional toll on me, and I had a difficult time focusing on anything else. The bigger part of it though, was (is) some major drama with the invitations, which bummed me out seeing as I was originally insanely excited about them, and from that my mood and attitude towards the wedding just spiraled downhill for several days. By Friday night I was in tears, and Saturday morning left me with a flooded basement and the house to myself for the week (it's the last of Dan's summer trips, and I couldn't be more excited for him to get back home)... all of which I can assure you did not help my mindset at all.

SO, I took a little mini break from wedding things and spent Saturday afternoon shopping with Manda and Becca, and spent the evening babysitting for one of the most adorable little girls I've ever seen. Although I'm not ready for my own, spending time with kids always seems to cheer me up, and reading stories while she babbled and later chatting with her father who has an incredible eye for design was exactly what I needed. By Sunday I was getting back into my groove, and with some help from Rachel last night I cranked out a big chunk of the table numbers, which will be a huge thing to check off the list and get off the dining room table to make space for other projects.

In short, I suppose with the sheer number of wedding projects I decided to take on myself I was bound to have a few setbacks, but I simply wasn't prepared for how emotional it would make me. But, I'm back to focusing on staying positive and enjoying these last TWO short months before we say I do! I fell asleep last night with a million things running through my head that need to get done in the next 8 weeks, but smiling because I cannot believe I'm going to be married to Dan so soon.

I of course can't write an entire post without any photos, so here's a shot of step 1 of yet another project -

I know I know, that's not a very exciting picture... but really, it is!! Because if you look closely you can see what's soaking there in the sink full of oxy-clean and laundry detergent - it's my mom's wedding veil, which I will not be wearing on my head, but that I can promise you I have big plans for!

1 comment:

  1. Next time you're in a funk, call me and I'll help you knock out some projects!! Love Ya!! MOM
