Thursday, May 26, 2011


I'm busy at work and trying to finish things up for the long weekend (I took off tomorrow as well!), but I just had to take a second to post the inspiration image that kicked off my centerpiece idea... which will be coming to life tomorrow at my first "Wedding Craft Night" that I'm hosting at home for my mom, Manda, gramma, aunts and girl cousins! I absolutely cannot WAIT to hang out and chat with all of them, and mostly - I cannot wait to see some of my wedding visions actually happening instead of just being in my head and on my blog.

I blogged about this project ages ago and am giddy that I finally have a chance to give it a shot!

Have a great holiday weekend! I'll be back with pictures and a recap from our craft night after tomorrow :).

1 comment:

  1. HOW did it go?? Can't wait to hear about it and see pics!!
